Sunday, April 11, 2010

Puduraya Bus Terminal Shift to Bukit Jalil

Closure of Puduraya terminal for upgrading to make it

more comfortable for travellers.

The terminal was slotted to move to Jalan Hang Tuah on 19 March, but

was cancelled........

The latest........closure expected on 12 April 2010, temporary terminal at

Bukit Jalil. at Parking Lot F.

For all buses going North or South from KL.

There will also be buses going from PuduRaya, at 15 minutes interval,

by RapidKL.

Just a friendly reminder to travellers.

Happy travelling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

arha.. I heard about that too.. I guess I heard that there are road blocks there to disallow the cars to go through that road at Bukit Jalil to reduce traffic isn't it?